Hardly meet and strictly speaking had never before

Having governed for eight years together with two smaller right-wing allies. The electoral winners were the Center Party and two groups located to the left of the Social Democracy, which in turn suffered a setback. The first option of the Social Democrats was a majority government of the Labor Party (26% of the vote), Center (13.5%) and Socialist Left (6%). But this last force, dissatisfied with the proposal, withdrew from the negotiations. Labor and the Center Party then proceeded to form a coalition of minorities, The government platform is an explicit call for reform: “The 2021 elections defined what kind of society we want. The results yielded a historic majority in favor of a new and fairer direction for the country.

After eight years in which differences and centralization increased, the government will transfer power to ordinary people in all areas of society». It promises to vigorously defend and promote the Welfare State. “Fundamental social benefits will not be commercialized, and the new government will significantly Email Lists Database reduce the reach of commercial players in the area of ​​welfare. The government will aim to reduce the use of market mechanisms in all areas of the Welfare State. It is necessary to limit the current logic of the market, management by objectives and the privatization of health services.

It should be noted that, in any case, these latest tendencies are less widespread than in Sweden, where the Social Democrats have even been forced to deepen them in order to remain in power.5. The limit to Norwegian reformism, something typical in most reformisms, is given by the economic structure of power. In contemporary Norway, the core of that structure is the (mostly public) oil and gas sector. Two weeks before the Glasgow Conference on climate change, the government platform declared: 'The Norwegian oil industry will be developed, not dismantled.