Question-and-Answer session organized by INT telegram administrators (Round 2)

Recently, Our Telegram administrators collected questions from the community and submitted the list to the team for answering. Let’s take a look.

1. Why should users play our new game? What will be different about our game compared to others?

The game combines DeFi and gamefi , The economic model is optimized, A variety of heroes and land, and beautiful scenery, We believe it will create an optimal experience for users. The special of the game is that it will be a basic infrastructure, we can update and optimize the game step by step.

2. You mentioned that you will have a good partner for the game. Is that gamefi protocol or someone else?

Gamefi is one of our partners, and we have communicated with other partners, we’ll disclose them before the game launch.

3. How and where will the new grant program be promoted? We can’t see any promotion for it. Are there any further plans? Has anybody applied for it so far? If so, for what?

With the whole crypto market falling, The grant didn’t run well, we consider pausing the grant.

4. How will the powerbank be distributed in the different countries?

It will depend on nodes and miners.

5. Do you already have local distribution partners?

No, we haven’t started this work now, about Q4.

6. Will an external company be hired to market the powerbank?

We’ll need many different marketing partners in different countries.

7. To attract more new members, we could do giveaways in form of nfts for the powerbank and the game (vouchers for renting the power bank, nfts for the game which you can use later in it, etc)

Thank you for your suggestion. It’s a good means and we’ll do a lot of marketing work to promote our power bank sharing and gamfi project. such as giveaways, airdrop, and so on.

8. Would be nice to get even more social media activity from the team (graphics, images etc.)

A month later, our social media will have more content, Our team is focused on developing these days, So we still haven’t much to disclose.

9. When will the new white paper and the new website be released?

The work will be finished in Q3.

10. Can you please explain in more detail what is supposed to run on the Cosmos network? Which kind of dapps?

We plan to construct an INT subnet based on Cosmos IBC to realize abstract users in the Cosmos ecosystem. , Our gamefi product will run on it.

11. Does or did the team any buyback of coins at these low levels? How many have been bought back so far? And maybe burn it later?

Yes. About over 100 million, about burning it, we maybe hold voting later.

12. Have new employees been hired in the meantime? If so, for which positions?

We paused the hiring now. It will be continued when our product is ready.

13. How do you plan to make a simple and fast process to deploy a node validators, syncing time is very high ?

There are some requirements for node validators, light nodes will be our consideration in the next mainnet important updating. but we can’t give a schedule now.

14. The storage requirement of a node validator is too high and keeps growing fast, any study about this point?

Because of original block data format designing, We can’t change before our main net updating or soft forking, it’s the only way to expand your node validator storge intime.

15. How do you make partnerships ? For example : your partnership with Panda Paladin and gamefi, what are the terms of the partnership ? Is there a meeting of both sides ? Is there any handwriting and signed documents ?

The intention to cooperate is that both parties share a common vision of development. After the announcement of the cooperation, we will continue to explore opportunities for further cooperation and will announce it to the community at that time.

16. How can the community follow the reel progress of the biweekly report ( github repository shows no activity )

You can ask us what you want to follow. Our GitHub will update actively after our gamefi product and sharing power bank most developing work is finished, Before that we cooperate our teamwork through Feishu tools and GitLab.

17. Is this list of the team (INT - An Ecosystem of the Internet of Things) is updated ? if yes : why we are not seeing anyone else than Freddy.

Some members left INT, but core team members including Freddy, Chenguanghui, and so on are stable, we’ll update the list when we update the website.

18. Any thinking about making the community vote on the project before it is started ?

Yes, it’s our thinking too, we wish can push the INT DAO building.

19. The gamefi dapp will thus run on which chains? Ours, Okx and cosmos?

It will run on OKC and INT at the first step, Then we’ll consider the other chains, such as Cosmos, Solana, and AVAX.

20. Any real IoT applications?

We think our shared power bank dapp is a real IoT application.

21. Can we have a live presentation of every members of the INT team ?

We will update the team profile on our website is rebuilding.

22. How many devs working for INT actually?

This question we also answered before. There total of eight team members now.

23. Are we on track with the roadmap (powerbank/gamefi dapp release) or is something delayed?

Still on track with a roadmap.

24. I’m an engineer in computer science and i want to participate on developpement and testing, what can i do ?

Thank you very much, can you introduce your technology stack first, and then we discuss what job is most suitable for you.

You can help us in developing a new website, and testing our gamefi product and shared power bank product.

25. How many months can the company pay all costs (salaries, rent, etc.) with cash on hand, if we assume the company does not generate any additional revenue? What is the cash burn rate per month and what are the company’s cash reserves?

We have about 36 months of cash and other main crypto-asset reservation for our hr and development.

And for new business, we’ll raise found from some investors and crypto capitals.

26. Does the company generate any additional income? If yes, can you elaborate with which services and how much income is this approximately on an annualized basis?

We can get income through supplying technological developing services for some companies and governments, which can cover our human costs. But in this period, we are focused on our new product developing, we have refused two new business cooperations this year.